Berger Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1982

Shelley L Berger

Shelley L. Berger, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator

Shelley Berger, Ph.D., is the Daniel S. Och University Professor at University of Pennsylvania (Penn) and is a faculty fellow member in the Prison cell & Developmental Biological science Section and the Genetics Section in the Perelman School of Medicine, as well every bit the Biological science Section in the School of Arts and Sciences.  Dr. Berger also serves every bit founding and current director of the Epigenetics Institute at Penn School of Medicine. Dr. Berger earned her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Engineering. She previously held the Hilary Koprowski Professorship at the Wistar Plant in Philadelphia. Dr. Berger has organized numerous international meetings on epigenetics and chromatin and served as Senior Editor at several journals, including Molecular and Cellular Biological science. She is a member of advisory committees for foundations such as Stand Upwardly to Cancer, research institutions such equally Max Planck, and biotechnology companies such equally Novartis and Blush. She serves on review boards and panels for NIH Director'due south Informational Council, NIH/NIA Board of Scientific Counselors, Gladstone Plant at UCSF, IGBMC (Strasbourg), CPRIT (Texas), the European Inquiry Council (Brussels), Cancer Research Uk (London), and numerous individual extramural and intramural review panels at NIH. She has served on international committees to establish nomenclature for histone modifying enzymes and to assist create the NIH-sponsored Human Epigenome Project. Dr. Berger received the Glenn Foundation Award in Crumbling, the Ellison Foundation Senior Scholar Award and the HHMI Collaborative Innovator Laurels. Dr. Berger is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (2012), the American Association for Advancement of Scientific discipline (2012), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2013), the National Academy of Sciences (2018), and nigh recently the American Associated for Cancer Research (2021).

Dr. Berger has been a faculty fellow member for twenty-five years, spending the last decade at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on chromatin biology and epigenetic regulation of the eukaryotic genome, focusing on mail service-translational modifications (PTMs) of histone proteins, and she teaches and mentors in these subjects for undergraduates and graduate students in the Biology Department and in the School of Medicine at Penn. Dr. Berger has mentored 12 graduate students and 20 post-doctoral fellows who are successful in careers encompassing academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and scientific writing and educational activity careers. An additional 20 trainees are currently in the lab, including a mix of undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral, and medical fellows. Dr. Berger received the Penn Biomedical Postdoctoral Programs Distinguished Mentor Honour in 2016, and the Stanley N. Cohen Laurels in 2016, the highest recognition for bones biomedical research at the Penn School of Medicine.

Over its history, research in Dr. Berger'southward lab has uncovered numerous chromatin enzymes and has addressed fundamental questions on their mechanisms in modifying both histones and Dna binding activators (i.e., the tumor suppressor p53) in transcription. These findings take contributed to the explosion in broad interest and focus on epigenetics in biomedical research. Indeed, in recent years her lab's effort has go increasingly focused on the study of mammalian biology and human diseases, including epigenetics in cancer and other diseases associated with aging, as well as epigenetic control of learning, retentiveness, and behavior in mammals and the ant model system. To fund this wide research portfolio, Dr. Berger currently has three NIH individual R01 grants and she is PI of an NIH P01 grant. In 2017, Dr. Berger established Epivario Inc. to develop epigenetic treatments for neurological memory disorders. Dr. Berger's lab has published more than 200 papers and reviews, with many in loftier touch journals such equallyNature,Science,Cell, andGenes & Development. Her work on epigenetics of behavior in ants has been covered inThe New York Times andThe New Yorker mag.


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